children holding a stuffie they have sewn

Teaching Kindness to Kids: the GKSP 2022

Welcome to the Global Kids Sewing Party 2022!

The benefits of sewing with our kids is a list that just goes on an on and the GKSP is here again to place kids’ kindness in the spotlight.

Almost 6,000 kids from 29 countries are now joining in.

Kids from cities and towns as far apart as Dusseldorf in Germany and Narangaba in Australia to Saločiai in Lithuania and Dalsjöfors in Sweden are creating and sewing softies to give to someone in their local community. How good is that!

I really feel a thrill when I see these kids and countries joining in. It’s like watching a ripple spreading all around the world.

Circle zenki had the honour of being chosen for my video tutorial on how to sew a simple zenki.

She was over the moon. She loves being the centre of attention. You can find my tutorial on Youtube and many more on sewing with kids and simple-to-sew softie projects.

Sending Softies to Ukraine

Also this year, I’ve been receiving a lot of messages from both teachers and parents saying that their kids/students would like to send their softies to the Ukraine. Actually, a Sew a Softie Kid Ambassador, Yasia, lives in the Ukraine and is presently under Russian bombardment.

Her mother, Olga, has told me that she will send me addresses of kids and schools that you can send your softies to when things begin to get back to something like normal. We are all thinking of them and their fellow Ukrainians and hoping that this will be soon. If you signed up for this years GKSP I’ll be sending you an email when I get those addresses.

Kinf kids showing a softie they've sewn to gift to someone.
Torridon Primary School, London

For me, it is very touching to see kids asking for their softies to be sent to the Ukraine. Kids are amazing like that! They don’t have to be told who to give their softies to. We should never underestimate what our kids feel and what they can do.

Sewing Softies around the World

raindrop softies sewn by children
The Italian school in Slovenia
The Christmas Islands
Loop de Lou Art, USA
Sussana Pitzer, USA

Lastly, I will be adding photos of the softies being sewn around the world to this post as they come in.

Keep sewing and keep yourselves well, Trixi