If you live in Sydney and are looking for a fun school holiday activity for your kids, you might be interested in a hand-sewing workshop I will be giving at the Object Gallery in Surry Hills.
The workshop is for kids 7 years old and up. It’s on April 24 from 11:00-12:30 and costs $25. They’ll learn how to sew their own mini-cushions. Bookings online here…and don’t forget to check out all the other fun workshops being held at the gallery.
Hi Trixi,
Yes. My cats make me happy and spend some time too.
I hope the kids enjoy all lessons!
Trixi, thank you for your comment on my blog! I came here to visit you and loved your space, everything so cute 🙂
Hugs from Brazil
ah, so happy to find your blog. i do lots of art and sewing workshop with children too and am always looking for ideas.x
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