Quick Aussie Cookies Kids Can Make

Lamington drops are quick Aussie cookies kids can make to celebrate Australia Day.

Your classic lamington is a square of sponge dipped in chocolate sauce and sprinkled with desiccated coconut. They’re as Australian as kangaroos and Holden cars and when I was growing up you couldn’t find a cake shop without them. Personally, I liked eating off all the chocolate coating and leaving the sponge. Whoever created the first lamington drops must have had the same idea. They’ve got rid of the sponge and just kept the yummy parts, that is, the chocolate and coconut. These little cookies are heaps of fun and take next to no time at all to make. Here’s a great Australian Women’s Weekly recipe from the 70’s:

Aussie Cookies Kids Can Make


150g dark chocolate
125g butter
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 egg lightly beaten
1/2 cup desiccated (shredded) coconut
1 1/4 cups plain flour
1/4 cup self-raising flour
1 cup of desiccated coconut (extra)


1) Combine the chocolate, butter and sugar in a pan. Stir over low heat until melted. Set aside to cool.

2) Stir in the egg, coconut, and sifted flours. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

3) To make the drops: roll 2 level teaspoons of the mixture into a ball, roll the ball in the coconut and then place on a greased oven tray. Leave a space of about 2cm between the drops.

4) Bake in a moderate oven for about 15 minutes or until the coconut begins to lightly brown.

The Australia Day Blog Hop 2016

And here are some more awesome Aussie projects for you to check out!

Week 1

Monday January 4th Printable koala mask at The Craft Train
Tuesday January 5th Koala in a Creek at Laughing Kids Learn
Wednesday January 6thAustralia themed printable at Montessori Nature
Thursday January 7th Boab Tree Mosaic Art at A Moment In Our World
Friday January 8th Homemade Violet Crumble recipe at Go Science Girls

Week 2

Monday January 11th Aussie Book List at Honey Bee Books
Tuesday January 12th Mini kids pavlovas at Kidgredients
Wednesday January 13th Bottlebrush (flower) art at Danya Banya 
Thursday January 14th Quick Aussie cookies kids can make at Coloured Buttons 
Friday January 15th Cooking with Kids at Learn with Play at Home

Week 3

Monday January 18th Aussie recipe at Sweet Little Pretties
You might also like to visit our Australia Day Blog Hop from 2014 for lots more fun Aussie ideas!

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