kid sewer interviews

The Amazingly Talented Sewing Sisters

Todays kid sewer interview catches up with sisters Lulu and Elle whose mum, Joanne, blogs at the blue barn.

Over the years I’ve watched many excited children run to show Mum or Dad what they’d sewn in camp that day. Time and time again mums would enthuse how this was the only school holiday camp their kids actually wanted to go to. Why? Perhaps Lulu and Elle have answered that question: “We like making a finished product that we can say we have made”. That simple answer may say it all: something they themselves have made, something they can use, and something they can show to others…and I think I’d add: something that affirms how clever they really are! Many thanks Elle and Lulu for being part of my Kid Sewer Interview series.

kid sewer interviews

What is your name and how old are you?

Hello I’m Lulu and I’m 11 years old and this is my sister Elle and she’s 10.

Who taught you how to sew?

Our Mum taught us to sew at home

What is the hardest thing about sewing?

Lulu, I think threading the needle is the hardest part of sewing.

Elle, so do I my mummy always has to thread it for me.

 What is the funnest thing about sewing?

We like making a finished product that we can say we made.

What have you sewn?

Lulu, I’ve made lots of things, bags, stuffies, pillows, and lots of things for my fairies and American dolls like clothes and even Christmas stockings.

Elle, I’ve made bags, stuffies and your tic tac toe game!

Do you have a favorite sewing project that you’ve made?

Lulu, my favorite projects are the clothes I make my fairies because I design them in my head

Elle,  like my nature explorer bag best because I still use it lots.

Do you sew with your Mum or by yourself?

Lulu, I sew with my mum and by myself

Elle, I sew mainly with my mum but sometimes with my sister because she helps me.

Do any of your friends sew?

Yes a few of them like to sew too

Does anyone else in your family sew?

Our grandmas used to sew a lot but they both have arthritis now and find it harder to sew these days. My great aunt makes wonderful animals, my daddy still has all the ones she made him growing up.

Do you learn sewing at school?

No they don’t teach sewing at school here but my mum said she learnt at school in the UK and our cousins in the UK learn at school

Do you what to keep sewing when you get older?

Yes because it’s fun to make your own things

Do you have any advice that you would give to other children about learning to sew?

Lulu, don’t prick your finger on the needle

Elle, Take your time when I rush I make mistakes

Is there any thing else you’d like to add about sewing?

It’s such a fun thing to learn we hope lots of kids like it as much as we do.

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