Kids can sew: an interview with Leonor

I’d like to introduce you to Leonor, our latest Kids Can Sew interviewee. Leonor is 10 years old and lives in Portugal. Her mum Ana blogs over at Pinknounou. Leonor is going to show you how she designed and sewed her own sweet softie.

a girl holding a softie
Who taught you how to sew? How long have you been sewing.

My mother taught me. But the first time I picked up a needle I was five. It was in my school with my teacher. Then I started doing more things with my mother.

What is the hardest thing about sewing?

To sew straight following a line.

What do you like best about sewing?

It’s fun to imagine a doll or another thing and then be able to make it for myself.

What have you sewn?

A few dolls, doll clothes, a pouch…

Do you have a favorite sewing project that you’ve made?

A striped dog doll I made out of an old t-shirt that didn’t fit me anymore.

Do you sew with your Mum or by yourself?

My mum taught me how to sew on the sewing machine, I practiced, then she let’s me sew by my self, but she’s usually by my side 🙂

Do any of your friends sew?

Some of my friends, yes.

Does anyone else in your family sew?

My grandmother also.

Do you learn sewing at school?


Do you what to keep sewing when you get older?

Yes I think so 🙂

Do you have any advice that you would give to other children about learning to sew? 

Start practicing and just go for it!

How Leonor made her striped dog doll:


Draw your softie design on paper and cut it out. Trace around the softie template.

Trace onto fabric.

Sew around the outline.

Turn inside out and decorate.

If you’d like to read more Kid Sewer interviews you can find them an interview with Elisenda from Barcelona here and Pip Squeak and Lily here. If your child would like to be interviewed as part of the Kid Sewer interviews or would they like to join into Sew a Softie as a Kid Ambassador, let me know.





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