Free Softie Patterns that are Simple to Sew

Are you looking for some free softie patterns? Do you want to learn how to sew a softie, a plushie or a stuffie? Are you looking to make a softie toy that doesn’t require cutting out lots of fiddly pattern pieces or have instructions that have to be read over and over again?

Well, Sew a Softie is coming again this July 1st – 31st. It’s a not to be missed month of amazing creative and loveable simple-to-sew free softie tutorials from bloggers around the world…and we also have more than 30 kid ambassadors who are helping spread the word that softies are ‘in’ and here to have their say. And they’ll all be teaching a friend how to sew a softie.

Meet some of our kid ambassadors. They come from Australia, the US, Canada, England, Spain, Denmark and South Africa.

If you’ve ever thought that sewing is not for little kids or that it’s too dangerous for little kids to use sharp needles, well then, I’m here to prove you wrong. I’ve been teaching hand sewing for more than 20 years and I know that little kids love to sew and that they’re good at it! And those small needles? Yes they’re perfect for little hands too!

If you want to have a sneak peak and see who’s joining in this year’s Sew a Softie tutorial hop, then pop on over to the Sew a Softie facebook page or if you’d like to get a head start on sewing some softies then have a look at this list of free softie tutorials.

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