Easy to Sew Shark Softies

With Shark Week starting this year on July 7, I thought it might be fun to design a pair of easy to sew cute as can be shark softies for you to make for or with your kids, grandkids or students. Jonny and Jenny go everywhere together and it’s not easy to snap a quick pic of them in the deep blue sea. But there they are in the photo below! Jonny’s the fellow above and Jenny’s the pretty lass below. And don’t tell me that sharks aren’t pink. Jenny is pink and loving it!

These shark softies are also great hand sewing projects for teachers to make with their classes for World Oceans Day, Sea Week, Shark Awareness Day or any of the many other ocean awareness days.

Like all my zenki softies, Jonny and Jenny are made from felt, which means, they don’t need to be turned right side out, and they only need a simple running stitch around the torso.

I loved seeing how many people loved sewing my Stella cat softie when she premiered at the Making Zen Retreat recently, so if you like the look of Jonny and Jenny, you might like to check out Stella as well.

Two hand sewn shark softies

Ok, back to our sharks

It’s pretty obvious from the above pic that Jonny and Jenny are “into each other”. They even have their own ballad.

The Ballad of Jonny and Jenny

Jonny and Jenny met on a reef,

white waves above, bright corals beneath,

when Jonny saw Jenny glide from the blue,

everything changed and became strangely new.

Jenny was shy but Jonny’s heart breathed,

“Come with me lass and we’ll travel the seas”

Jonny and Jenny gave little thought,

to where they were going or what others sought,

all that they cared for, was that they’d be,

swimming together forever and free.

The definitive Jonny & Jenny tutorial with step-by-step photos is now available in my Etsy shop