a tiny dolls house made from a matchbox

Matchbox Monday 3: The Tiny Travelling Doll’s House

Over the years, this tiny travelling doll’s house been one of my all-time favourite crafts. This version is great for taking on holidays, especially when the car is choc-a-block full. Firstly, it doesn’t take up the whole back seat. Secondly, when you are little it’s nice to take a bit of your own familiar world with you on holidays. Finally, and this is really important, it’s made to wear around your neck, which (hopefully) means that it won’t get lost…which means, with a little luck, you probably won’t have to spend several hours of your long-awaited holiday looking everywhere for it.

For this project I’ve used a 5cm x 3.5cm x 1.5cm matchbox. In Australia this is your regular matchbox size. I know the sizes can be different in different countries, so I hope you can get something more or less the same. As you can see from the photos it’s all pretty straight forward. The roof is made from a piece of cardboard folded in half and then covered with felt. A piece of coloured cardboard will usually look better than plain white as you can see at least part of the inside of the roof in the finished house. I’ve scalloped the roof edge because little details like that give a nice effect (especially when you’re working on a small scale). I like collecting tiny coloured buttons, as you can see, and have used some for the flowers and door-handle. In classes I let the girls chose a ribbon for the necklace. Here I just used imitation leather.

The little fairy doll is made with coloured wire (I love using coloured wire). I’ve used 2 wooden beads, one for the head and one for the body, and an artificial flower petal for the dress.

For her bed I’ve made a little pillow, a small quilt and just cut a piece of knitted material for her blanket.

Hope you enjoy making this. When the kids make it by themselves there’s going to be less fine detail than if you help them, but either way it can look great, and it’s always a lot of fun.

P.S. I’ve been having a bit of trouble with my hot glue gun sticks. My old supply has run out, and the new sticks are very stringy. Does anybody know a good brand of hot glue gun sticks?




44 thoughts on “Matchbox Monday 3: The Tiny Travelling Doll’s House”

  1. I found this on Sew Mama Sew too. It is just so adorable. It reminds me of when I was a little kid. I would put cotton wool in a matchbox and use it as a bed for my tiny toys so they were comfortable when I carried them around.

  2. Oh my goodness! These are the cutest ever! My kids are off on a road trip with their grandparents this weekend, and I think I might try and make one for my daughter before they go. Thank you so much for sharing these 🙂

  3. Hi Trixi,

    I found this link on crafty crow this morning. I am very excited and have been thinking about them all day. My daughter is carrying a pocketful of fairies around today and I'm wondering whether to adapt to a little portable mushroom (these are mushroom dwelling fairies) or just copy your very irresistable creations. And I promised myself that I wouldn't start a new project until I finished all my works in progress!
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. I found your site while blog hopping, I'm so glad I ended up here. I saw this cute little house on https://polka-dot-daze.blogspot.com/ and it led me here. Oh this house is so cute, I think I will make it as a Christmas ornament and put a little surprise inside and decorate it with tatted trim. Oh I can picture it now. I've browsed through your site and it is so interesting. I still have more to see.

    Have a good weekend!!

  5. I love these, i have just bought all the supplies and my six yr old daughter and i are making one for our road trip this week. I am also making a boy version and found some very cute spiders to put in the box instead of a doll. I will email you a picture of her effort. Thanks so much for the idea.

  6. hi, very cute.

    Can you please share with me how/with what you cut the cute edging on the roof, thanks. It doesnt look like pinking shears as not pointed enough and it is a nice clean cut

    I enjoy your blog 🙂

  7. This is fantastic! I have to make one of these for myself some time – never mind little girls getting all the fun 😀

    I'm a member of Waitakere Miniatures and they linked to this page from their newsletter. Such a wonderful idea! Thank you so much!

  8. Hey my hot glue gun sticks suck too. My husband says it is because I get them from Dollar Tree. So I saw on Pinterest that you can get the strings to go away with a hair dryer. Hope that helps! Anyway this is too cute! I am gonna make one for my niece for next Christmas. Merry Christmas and thanks for posting this!!!!

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