A Holiday Workshop with Cassapotorius and friends

I’ve been busy the last few weeks with…well…all sorts of things…but also with preparing for my holiday workshops. Lynda posted a comment reminding me that I should take some photos, so that’s just what I’ve done.

Here are some of my regular girls. This photo was their idea: they wanted me to take the three of them sitting together holding up their triplets:

I’ve taken close-ups of their work because I think they did a fantastic job:

You have to realize that they finished these projects in a single 10am-3 pm workshop…with time off for morning tea and lunch…I really have to insist they stop sewing and take a break and eat something…if I didn’t they would happily sit there sewing away for 5 hours straight!

Most of my students are girls but occasionally I get some boys…I love listening to them talk as they work…one named his monster “Cassapotorius” or something like that…I’m guessing it’s the name of some sort of star system or star constellation…and all those buttons on the monster to the right of the photo are badges from different missions his monster has been on…you’ve gotta love boys:

Lastly, a photo of my “strawberry girls”. These two are the oldest in the group. Emma (on the left) asked me in a previous workshop if she could make cushions for her bed…she’d seen a strawberry cushion in a book and liked the idea…so Yiscah and I whipped up a simple design…I love working with the kids ideas to help them create their own stuff rather than just thinking it all up for them:

I would have taken a few more photos but the truth is that I only remembered at the last minute…and it gets pretty hectic right there at the end of the workshop when all the mothers are appearing and the kids are frantically putting those all-important finishing touches on their creations.

13 thoughts on “A Holiday Workshop with Cassapotorius and friends”

  1. I had to put this on a separate post….THANK YOU !!!!
    Martha and I were just delighted to get such a wonderful goody bag!!!!

    I am going to post about it today when I get organised (I have to organise a dinner party and forgot this couple comes with 4 kids! Ugh, to many people! ) so check my blog tonight. Also I left a little something for you there!

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