When a Lorikeet becomes a Rosella

Miss Prudence and Kristine commented on my previous post about the “process”…guilty as charged: I always like designing things that link up with something…just the ordinary things going on are enough…I remember being impressed several years ago when I read how women on the Oregon Trail would sometimes collect the wild-flowers they found and press them between the pages of books to use as design motifs…it seemed such a lovely idea…

…well, I’m not exactly “westering” but yesterday I got the chance to make another purse…rushed it through at the last minute…this time for Yiscah, my “baby”, who’s off to study design 🙁 at the Bezalel Institute in Jerusalem…just something little for her to keep her camera in…the regular ones are soooo ugly…and she loves green…which is why the lorikeet has become a rosella…another Australian bird but with a lot more pinks in it’s multi-coloured feathers…the leaves are the last ones of autumn (which are still all over our garden even though it’s already mid-winter here)…and the dragonfly zip-tag…well that’s for summer that’s coming:

At this rate I really will have a “series”…but it mightn’t have much to do with mastering the mysterious art of “how to perfectly sew in a zipper”.

8 thoughts on “When a Lorikeet becomes a Rosella”

  1. It is gorgeous! The perfect camera case. Good luck with saying goodbye to your baby. When me and my sisters finished school we each spent a year in Israel. Seems like 100 years ago now.

  2. Yes do! Keep travelling with these until you are satisfied the story has gone as gar as you can with these! Pip at Meet me at Mikes recently posted about really taking time out understand what people are doing and the direction they are taking with their creating…You truly exemplify this Trixi! My creations are about being reactive to the movement that is occurring around me, but you create from within….you are VERY Lasker- Shuler – bravo! xxxxL

  3. @trixi: Oh I misunderstood. Never done this with thick felt. I often use recycled wool suits (which I felt in the washing machine). The material is thinner than felt, but felt should work just fine.
    And one day, I will do a blanket! All by hand.

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