no sew sock snowman softie

A Sweet No Sew Sock Snowman from Downunder

This sweet little no-sew sock snowman is a perfect DIY project for all the family.

Every family has old socks or odd socks lying around doing nothing much at all. This little fellow is quick to make and because he is filled with rice, he’s lovely and squishy for kids to hold and play with.

In fact, he’s so much fun and so easy to make that you can invite neighbours or friends and have a creative communal crafty afternoon together turning socks into friendly no-sew snowmen to decorate your house for Christmas.

So let me introduce you to my no sew sock snowman from Down Under standing on a desert background – obviously somewhere in the Outback of Central Australia – with snow miraculously falling.

no sew sock snowman softie

Even after Christmas, your snowman makes a great desk-friend and very reliable sources have informed me that these snowmen are more than happy to help out as paper weights…a job they are apparently highly qualified for and enjoy immensely.

Last but not least, if you’re looking for that special creative magical gift that keeps on giving, then you might like to have a wee peek at my latest book The Zenki Way: A Guide to Designing & Enjoying Your Own Creative Softies. 


1 white sock
1 coloured or patterned sock
2 rubber bands
Rice or other weighted filler
Polar fleece


How to make the no sew sock snowman: 

Fill the white sock with 1 1/2 cups of rice.

Tie the sock in a knot and snip off the excess sock above the knot.

Sock filled with rice to make a sock snowman

Place a rubber band over the snowman’s body to form his head

making a sock snowman

To make the no sew sock snowman’s beanie:

Take your coloured sock and cut it in half through the heel.

sock cut in half

Take the leg part of the sock and tie a rubber band about 3cm from its cut end. Cut fringes beneath the rubber band to make the beanie’s tasselled top. Place on the snowman’s head and roll up the uncut end of the sock to make the beanie’s turned up rim.

Making the sock snow mans beanie

To make the scarf:

Cut a strip of polar fleece about 30cm x 3cm. Cut fringes at both ends. Tie around the snowman’s neck.

To make the no sew sock snowman’s face:

Cut out two small circles of black felt for eyes and glue them into place.

no sew sock snowman

And if you and your kids are keen to try your hand at sewing some wonderful gifts for family and friends this Christmas, then have a look at these 100+ free and easy to sew Christmas patterns!

No sew sock snowman
no sew sock snowman tutorial




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