sew-a-softie day

Sew-a-Softie Day

Sew-a-Softie day is happening on July 16. Actually its not really a day but a fortnight of softie and plushie making tutorials posted by bloggers around the world starting July 1st. Its a chance for friends and neighbours to get together and for those who know, teach those who don’t how to sew a simple softie.

Sew-A-Softie day  is designed to show both adults and kids that hand sewing is fun, creative, fulfilling, and that absolutely everyone can do it. it’s a chance for adults and children to turn off their computers, put down their smartphones and experience the joy and fulfilment of creating a unique object with their own hands.

If you’re a sewer and you’d like to post a tutorial or perhaps teach a friend to sew, come on over and join the Sew-a-Softie day Facebook group…

Or if you’d like to learn how to make a softie join us to find out what’s happening.

8 thoughts on “Sew-a-Softie Day”

  1. Hi Im a librarian from Canada and we would like to run Sew a softie in July in one of our library branches. I sent an email earlier but perhaps I was suppose to fill this out
    We need to have confirmation with details for our April deadline for July programs – we, my colleague Janet Brown, and I are sewing enthusiasts and are excited to bring this to our community. Do I have to use Facebook in order to join?

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