sew a softie for valentines day simple to sew Valentines day love bugs

Sew a Softie for Valentines Day Love Bugs to Sew

Sew a Softie for Valentines Day is just around the corner. From January 30th till February 10th 2017 simple to sew Valentines Day themed softies will be posted daily. Hopefully this will give you all enough time to find a tutorial you and your kids would like to make for the big day. On January 30th I’ll post a full list of all the tutorials. And if you can’t wait till then, then here’s the link to the tutorial for these sweet love bugs.

sew a softie for valentines day simple to sew Valentines day love bugs

The aim of Sew a Softie events is to get parents and educators to give sewing a go and especially to encourage them to sew with their kids. It’s got to be one of the simplest cheapest funnest ways to do something together…you’ll be surprised at how much kids love it and are just so proud of what they have made by themselves.

To give you a taste of what’s coming for Sew a Softie for Valentines Day here’s a super quick tutorial on how to make a fringed felt heart with or for your kids or their friends. You could do lots of things with this design: if you make the heart smaller and fill it with a weighting material like rice you can turn it into a key ring or something to hang off a school bag or if  you make the heart larger you can use it as a cushion on the sofa or for your child’s bed.

And if you want to join Sew a Softie or post a tutorial I’d love to see you on the Sew a Softie Facebook group.

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