sew softie emoji cushion

My Wicker Sewing Basket

For my 12th birthday I was given a wicker sewing basket.  I loved it and actually still have it. Back in those days it was a common and appreciated gift. Not so sure these days. Anyway, what reminded me of my old sewing basket was an interview I did about Sew a Softie day with Postcards From on Weekend Notes. She begins with a reminiscence about the sewing basket she had as I child and wonders how somewhere along the way she had let go of her love of sewing. To read the interview go HERE. Since that interview back in 2016, Sew a Softie day has become a month long event called Sew a Softie in July.

With the recent resurge in sewing due partly to the pandemic, I’m hoping that sewing baskets filled with fun sewing supplies are back on kids wish lists around the world.

If your child wants to sew but you don’t know how to sew or where to begin or what supplies to buy then look no further at my Sewing With Kids Guide

Happy sewing, Trixi

sew softie emoji cushion weekend notes

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