kid sewers interview

Kid Sewer Interviews: the Awesome Foursome.

The “Awesome Foursome” of my title are Ellery, Tabitha, Allen and Abbie. All are students of New York art teacher, John Lavelle.

I first started interviewing kid sewers as a lead up to Sew-a-Softie day (which takes place on July 16th), and as a way of highlighting something I’ve witnessed over and over again in my hand-sewing classes and workshops: kids love to sew. Ellery, Tabitha, Allen and Abbie’s answers to the interview questions surprised me in a way I wasn’t quite expecting. What I saw in their answers was, not only their wisdom and understanding, but how their experiences in learning to sew have impacted on their lives. As Ellery says, “sewing can get hard but don’t stop, keep going! When you have a vision just go for it. Make it your own! And remember, never give up, don’t say “I can’t”, have a positive attitude and have FUN!!!”

I’ve always found that, when given an opportunity, the right grounding and tools, and the right kind of support, kids rise to the occasion and can produce the most amazing results.

Once more, thanks to the awesome foursome for their input and for bringing these interviews to life, each in their own unique way.

kid sewer interviews

Ellery’s interview

  1. My name is Ellery and I am 10 years old.
  2. My mom taught me how to sew.
  3. The hardest part about sewing is getting the stitching the way you want it to look.
  4. The thing that’s most fun about sewing is probably making things your own.
  5. I have sewn some of my old stuffed animals, some old quilts also.
  6. I don’t really have a favorite sewing project but I did help my mom sew a doll bed quilt and itcame out pretty cool.
  7. I do sew at home sometimes, mostly on rainy days.
  8. My mom and I sew. I think my grandma and aunt Julie sew too.
  9. I did not learn to sew at school, my mom taught me.
  10. I want to keep sewing because it’s so fun and you can make any project unique!
  11. The art of sewing can get hard but don’t stop, keep going! When you have a vision just go for it. Make it your own! And remember, never give up, don’t say “I can’t”, have a positive attitude and have FUN!!!

Abbie’s interview

  1. My name is Abbie and I’m 10 years old.
  2. Ellery, my friend, taught me how to sew.
  3. The hardest thing about sewing is getting the needle through the fabric, it really frustrates me, but I keep going with the project.
  4. The thing that’s most fun about sewing is looking at the creation when it’s done. It just makes me feel accomplished.
  5. I’ve sewn a felt monster, pillows and toys for my dog.
  6. My favorite sewing project is the felt monster because I made it cute and cuddly. I think it came out really nice.
  7. I don’t sew at home but I would like to get needles and thread to make more cute little projects at home!
  8. I’m pretty sure my dad can sew, but he doesn’t do it much.
  9. My friend Ellery taught me how to sew in school.
  10. I would for sure like to keep sewing! I love sewing and even making little, tiny toys for the dog is fun.
  11. My advice to other children about sewing is don’t get frustrated when you are doing it. It might be hard at first but if you keep trying, you’ll get it right.

Tabitha’s interview

  1. My name is Tabitha and I’m 10 years old.
  2. My mom taught me how to sew.
  3. The hardest thing about sewing is getting the thread through the eye of the needle.
  4. The part about sewing which is most fun is finishing the project.
  5. I have sewn a felt monster, hair bows and shirts.
  6. I would like to keep sewing as I get older.
  7. My advice to other children about sewing is don’t prick your finger, have fun with it, stay positive, be careful, choose the stitch you like the best and stick with it, then explore other stitches.

Allen’s interview

  1. My name is Allen and I’m 10 years old.
  2. Mr. Lavelle taught me how to sew.
  3. The hardest thing about sewing is trying not to poke myself with the needle.

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