A Fun Halloween Sewing Project for Kids

It’s Halloween! 

Halloween probably means that there’s crafting going on in your home or class and hopefully, that includes some Halloween sewing too.

So…if you’re looking for a really cute project to sew with your kids or students this Halloween…

Let me introduce you to Millicent.

You can also find the step by step photo tutorial for Millicent over on Clover’s blog where her tutorial is appearing.

A Halloween sewing project for kids

Zenki softies

Being a zenki-style softie, she doesn’t require fiddly insertions for things like arms, legs or any extra bits sticking out that monsters sometimes have. That makes her an ideal project to sew with a group of kids or, if you’re a teacher, to sew with your students.

Zenkis like Millicent are great when you’re teaching a class and looking to minimise those problems that always seem to pop up at the most inconvenient times.

Millie adores the whole vibe of Halloween. It’s a very special day for her, her husband Julius and little JJ (Julius Junior). And you don’t have to look too closely to realise that once you know how to make Millie, you can make her whole family! They’re an old-fashioned close-knit family and when one appears, it doesn’t take long for the others to make their presence felt too.

Halloween sewing idea for teachers

Also, Millie is a second-gen zenki. 

Second-geners are still really simple-to-sew but making them builds on the skills you learn in The Zenki Way: A Guide to Designing & Enjoying Your Own Creative Softies by Trixi Symonds (2021). They allow for new possibilities and new ideas…and that means lots of new zenki fun! 

Perhaps my next book should be A Guide to Creating and Making Second-Gen Zenkis. I know the second-geners would love that! Zenkis enjoy attention as much as the rest of us.

If you and your kids/students want to keep sewing, then here are 30+ Halloween sewing projects that should make them (and you) happy.

And if you need help working out what supplies to use when sewing with kids, my ultimate guide to sewing with kids should be useful.

Happy Halloween sewing!