
simple to sew softie tutorials

25 Simple to Sew Softies You Really Can Make

Three days to go and the Sew-a-Softie day simple to sew softie tutorials will be rolling out. Yes! 25 simple to sew softies that you really can make are on their way. From July 1-16 more than 20 bloggers from countries all over the world will be tempting you to try your hand at softie making.

simple to sew softie tutorials

Grab a friend or neighbour, a couple of kids, put the kettle on, bake (or buy) some cookies and get sewing. Remember,  post your pictures on Instagram with the tag #sasday2016 for your chance to win some fun prizes.

And here’s our list of awesome simple to sew softie tutorials:

July 1
July 2
Maggy Woodley https://www.redtedart.com/sewing-softie-kids/
Alicia Brown https://www.feltwithlovedesigns.com/2016/07/02/snail-softie-tutorial-free-pattern/
July 3
Mignon Pridor https://mignonpriderdesign.wordpress.com/2016/07/03/cookie-cutter-softies-sasday2016/
July 4
Elisa Allen https://www.makefilmplay.com/kids-crafts/how-to-make-a-softie-monster-sew-a-softie-day/
July 5
July 6
July 7
July 8
Stephanie Woodson https://swoodsonsays.com
July 9
July 10
July 11
July 12
July 13
July 14
Tracey Witts www.sewkidding.com
July 15
July 16

12 thoughts on “25 Simple to Sew Softies You Really Can Make”

  1. Wow! I can’t believe I didn’t contact you! If you like you can join our Facebook group so you can find out whats happening. I’d love to have you on board for next years Sew-a-Softie day or if you have a tutorial you want to post in the next 2 days I can add you to the list!!!

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