watermelon softie

A Sweet Watermelon Pillow DIY

This watermelon pillow DIY has just been published in the new summer edition of Casa Creativa and as it’s Sew a Softie month it seemed the perfect opportunity to post it here also.

This is a fun and simple to sew project for you to take and make on vacation and of course because it’s hand sewn you only need a needle, thread, felt and stuffing. That’s one of the things I love about hand sewing it’s not only economical it’s portable.

And summer and watermelons just seem like the perfect combination too. And who could resist having a giant watermelon softie as a cushion on their bed…certainly not the girls in my sewing classes. They believe the more cushions you have on your bed the better. And who am I to disagree, especially if they just want to keep sewing more and more cushions themselves…so if you have kids at home who just can’t get enough of sewing, ten these 200 kids sewing projects will keep them very busy.

This watermelon pillow softie isn’t quite as easy as my little felt zenkis like Millie but it’s still a very simple and straightforward project for you to sew and a really fun sewing project to make by yourself or with your kids…although I’m not sure if my little kitty’s terribly impressed.

watermelon pillow DIY

What you need to make your watermelon pillow.

33cm diameter circle of red felt

38cm diameter circle of white felt

60cm X 25cm rectangle of green felt

Black felt for seeds

White felt for seeds



Polyester fiberfill


What to Do


watermelon softie

Pin and sew the red circle onto the white circle.

watermelon softie

Fold the red and white circle in half and iron flat. Sew along the straight folded edge of the red felt.

watermelon softie

Using the template, cut out the watermelon rind from the rectangle of green felt. Place the red and white circle right way up. Pin one edge of the watermelon rind onto one half of the circle’s circumference…

watermelon softie

…and sew into place.

watermelon softie

Pin the other edge of the watermelon rind onto the remaining half of the circle’s circumference…

watermelon softie

 …and sew into place. Remember to leave a 12cm gap for turning.

watermelon softie

Turn the watermelon right side out…

watermelon softie

…stuff with polyester fiberfill…

watermelon softie

 …and sew the gap closed.

watermelon softie

Cut out seeds from the black and white felts and glue them into place. And that’s all there is to it.

Now you have the sweetest watermelon plush pillow ever!


a watermelon softie


watermelon softie make with kids

This post contains affiliate links.
free watermelon soft toy sewing pattern

A felt watermelon plush

10 thoughts on “A Sweet Watermelon Pillow DIY”

  1. This is so cute! I’ve already shared it on my facebook page. My niece and I are going to start making the projects from your book next week. I asked her to choose one project for us to sew. She hummed and hawed because liked them all! So we are going to start at the beginning and work our way through the book. 🙂

    • Hi Deanne I clicked on the word ‘template’ and the template appeared. Not sure why it didn’t work but try again and if it doesnt work let me know and I can try emailing it to you 🙂 Trixi

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