six year olds sew

Six Year Olds Sew and Tell their Sewing Secrets

Today’s kid sewer interview is with 2 sassy six year olds who sew. They both seem to be very confident sewers. Pip Squeak is Red Ted Art’s daughter and lives in England and Lily is Mama Smiles daughter and lives in the USA. I love it when you see kids who know that they don’t have to buy everything they want because they know they can make it themselves. They both love sewing because they get “to make stuff they can play with”, as Lily puts it, and both realise that there are hurdles to overcome to reach their goals. I hope you enjoy their fresh views on learning a very old skill.


Interview with Pip Squeak

six year olds who sew

Who taught you how to sew?


What is the hardest thing about sewing?

Pricking your finger.

What is the funnest thing about sewing?

Making something.

What have you sewn?

A bunny. A flower for my teacher. A squirrel. A reindeer ornament. Little dresses for my friends.

six year olds sew

Do you have a favorite sewing project that you’ve made?

My fluffy bunny.

Do you sew with your Mum or by yourself?

Both. My mum starts me off and then she leaves me.

Do any of your friends sew?
 No. Does anyone else in your family sew?

Yes, my brother, mummy and granny.

Do you learn sewing at school?

Yes, only a little bit.

Do you want to keep sewing when you get older?

Yes, definitely.

Do you have any advice that you would give to other children about learning to sew?

You have to stay calm and not cry if your thread comes off the needle.

Interview with Lily

six year olds sew

Who taught you how to sew?

My mom.

What is the hardest thing about sewing?

The hardest thing about sewing is putting the stitches close together.

What is the funnest thing about sewing?

The funnest thing about sewing is that we get to make stuff that we can play with.

What have you sewn?

I sewed a doll, an owl, and a deer. I sewed two owls. And I sewed clothes for my doll.

six year olds sew

Do you have a favorite sewing project that you’ve made?

I like my doll, and I like my mini owl! And my deer.

Do you sew with your Mum or by yourself?

Mom helps me.

Do any of your friends sew?

Yes. I have one friend who sews. She made headbands and she made a pillow, and I think she made a doll.

Does anyone else in your family sew?

Yes. Emma (10 years old), Johnny (8 years old), mom. Dad sewed one toy for Johnny. Anna (3 years old) doesn’t sew yet.

More Kids Sewing Interviews

If you’d like to read more Kid Sewer Interviews have a look at this interview with Elisenda from Barcelona!


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