hand sewn penguin stuffie

Pengi: a really easy penguin sewing pattern kids can make

Pengi is a really cool felt penguin sewing pattern that kids (and adults) can make and will love making. It’s also my contribution to Sew a Softie for Christmas which, as a continuation of Sew a Softie in July held earlier this year, is a fun creative way to get parents and kids sewing together.

My penguin softies love travelling. This year though like ,many families they’ve decide to stay home and enjoy some ice skating and fishing and hopefully some crafts with mum or dad.


I’ve got to say I love penguins. I remember when I was in primary school and they took us to the zoo and I saw a fairy penguin…really cute little fellows we have down here in Australia…and I just fell in love with them and dreamed of having a fairy penguin as a friend who would live at home with me and follow me around everywhere. And besides, “fairy penguin” struck me as the cutest name ever…in New Zealand they call them “little blue penguins” which doesn’t quite sound as magical…although their Maori name “korora” does have a exotic ring for an English speaker like me.

big and little penguin softies

What you need

12″ x 10″ black felt

12″ x 10″ white felt

6″ x 4″ yellow felt

2 small buttons for eyes




Polyester fibrefill

Rice for weighting


What to do

penguin softie kids can make

Download and print out the template.

Cut out the two halves of Pengi and tape them together.

From the black felt, cut out a penguin shape with wings as shown above. Also cut out the black head stripe above Pengi’s beak.

From the white felt, cut out a penguin shape but without wings as shown above.

From the yellow felt cut out the beak and the two feet.

penguin softie kids can make

Pin the black head stripe onto the white penguin shape and position the base of the beak just underneath the stripe as shown in the photo above.

penguin softie kids can make

Sew around the head stripe to hold both the head stripe and base of the beak in place. If you want, use glue instead of sewing. Now you can sew or glue on the eyes.

penguin softie kids can make

Pin and sew the two penguin shapes together leaving an opening for stuffing. Remember to sew about ¼” in from the edge.

penguin softie kids can make

Through the opening in the head, pour in about 1 ½ cups of rice to give weight.

penguin softie kids can make

Then add small amounts of polyester fibrefill until Pengi feels and looks right.

penguin softie kids can make

Sew the opening closed. Glue on the feet and Pengi is complete. And if  you’re worried that it might be an especially cold winter this year, you can make him or her a scarf…or perhaps just a few friends.

a free penguin softie tutorial

four penguin softies

hand sewn felt penguin pattern



29 thoughts on “Pengi: a really easy penguin sewing pattern kids can make”

    • Hi Becky, If you click on the word ‘template’ it should take you to the templates. You’ll need to download and print at 100%. Let me know if you have any problems!!

  1. My little penguin is quite the cutie –I have named her Henrietta. Stitched on small beads for eyes and left the loose knot threads that look like eyelashes! Thanks for the pattern!

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