Make your own Bunny Pouch Necklace

Update: April 2022

I decided to make the ears on my bunny pouch necklace a little shorter. I’m adding a new template but keeping the old one in case you prefer those longer ears. Here’s the new bunny pouch template.

How to sew a bunny pouch in 60 seconds

Thinking about what mums could make with their kids this Easter I came up with this super easy to sew bunny pouch necklace. Kids seem to love bags and pouches as well as necklaces so I guess that a bunny pouch that could be worn as a necklace seemed like the perfect combination…and it makes a great place to hide treasures and little chocolate Easter eggs.

And you don’t have to use it as a necklace…enlarge the template and make a bunny tote as well.

Of course no Easter celebration would be complete without sewing a bunny softie, so here’s one you can try.

DIY bunny pouch necklace

What you Need to Make a Bunny Pouch Necklace

12cm X 7cm white felt

7cm X 7cm white felt

7cm X 5cm pink felt

1 meter length of ribbon

2 small wiggly eyes

A thick needle to make holes





What to do

Download and print out the Easter Bunny Pouch template.

From the 12cm X 7cm white felt cut out the shape for the back of the pouch.

From the 7cm X 7cm white felt cut out the shape for the front of the pouch.

From the pink felt cut out the shapes for the inside of the ears and the shape for the nose.

Pin and sew the front and back of the pouch together as shown above.

Glue on the insides of the ears, the nose and wiggly eyes.

Use a pencil or fine felt-tipped pen to draw on the mouth as shown above. It’s a good idea to practice the mouth on a scrap of white felt first and to check that your pencil works well on your felt or that your felt-tipped pen doesn’t bleed into the felt.

Use a thick needle to make two holes between the bunny’s ears as shown above…

making a bunny pouch necklace

…and thread the ribbon through the holes and secure the ends with a knot.

To complete my pouch for Easter I’ve put a little chocolate egg inside…

 bunny pouch necklace and easter eggs

…and that’s it.

bunny pouch necklace DIY
bunny pouch necklace

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