A Free Softie Spider Pattern

A Free Softie Spider Pattern for Halloween. A Perfect Beginner Sewing Project.

Sew a Softie for Halloween was an idea I had last year when I was looking for Halloween softies to post in our facebook group. There didn’t seem to be a huge range of free softie tutorials around so the solution was simple…run a Sew a Softie for Halloween tutorial hop.

Starting October 1st, for 3 weeks you’ll have a daily dose of Halloween softie tutorials to keep you busy until way past Halloween. Please post your makes on instagram with the tag @sewasoftie so I can see what you’ve made.

a diy spider softie

My Halloween project is Ethel, a free softie spider pattern…pictured above after a hard day…she’s a sweet-natured and not-at-all spooky spider softie who just likes keeping to herself. She tries to make her home in quiet little corners so that she can spend her days spinning pretty webs without being disturbed.

What you need

20cm x 18cm black felt

10cm x 10cm plain fabric

12cm x 10cm patterned fabric




40cm hat elastic

Rice grains or other weighting material



What to do

Use the template to cut out the shapes shown below.

materials to make the spider softie

Place the fabric for the head and torso with their right sides together.  Pin and sew together along the dashed line as indicated in the template.

sewing fabric for the spider softie together

Open up and iron the fabric flat.

Tie a knot at the end of the elastic and pin into place.


Place the front of Ethel’s body onto the back body shape so that the knot of the elastic is hidden between the two layers.

Sew around the torso leaving an opening at the top.

Fill the torso with rice grains.

putting weighting material into a spider softie

Pin the top of the torso and sew closed.

Sew around the head leaving one side open for stuffing.

Fill the head with stuffing…

putting stuffing into a spider soft toy

…pin and sew the open side closed.

sewing a spider softie

Draw on the eyes and mouth…

 spider softie

…and have a happy Halloween.

Looking for more Halloween projects? Perhaps a Jack O’Lantern trick or treat bag or this little pumpkin pouch or a few bat pins to use as party favours.



softie spider

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